Jeanne C. Jones

Jeanne C. Jones


  • Professor Emeritus, Wildlife Ecology and Management

Contact Information



Wildlife Habitat Management


    Mississippi State University, Ph.D., Wildlife Ecology
    Mississippi State University, M.S., Wildlife Ecology
    University of Southern Mississippi, B.S., Biology
    University of Arizona, Illustration Training, Scientific Illustration/Photography

Research Interests

    Habitat evaluation and management
    Reclamation and vegetative succession on ecologically-disturbed lands
    Ecological impacts of agronomic plant species on native plant diversity and community development
    Management and restoration of ecosystems with emphasis on conservation of native biological diversity, including protected and listed species
    Ecotourism and economic values of game and nongame wildlife and "un-perturbed" ecosystems

Awards & Honors

    2006 Wildlife Conservationist of the Year, Mississippi Wildlife Federation
    2005 Integrated Natural Resources Management Team Group Achievement Award, John C. Stennis Space Center
    2004 Mississippi CASE professor of the year